دار النشر Intelligent Networks and Systems Society
سنة النشر 2022

Securing Physical Layer of 5G Wireless Network System over GFDM Using Linear Precoding Algorithm for Massive MIMO and Hyperchaotic QRDecomposition

محمد جبار محمدامين الصالحي
دار النشر The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung
سنة النشر 2022

Hyperchaotic Modulo Operator Encryption Technique for Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing system

محمد جبار محمدامين الصالحي
دار النشر Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
سنة النشر 2020

The efficient interleaving of digital-video-broadcasting-satellite 2nd generations system

محمد جبار محمدامين الصالحي
دار النشر IEEE
سنة النشر 2022

Hyperchaotic Based Encrypted Audio Transmission via Massive MIMO - GFDM System using DNA Coding in the Antenna Index of PSM

محمد جبار محمدامين الصالحي
دار النشر American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information
سنة النشر 2016

Performance analysis of QOSTBC-OFDM system based on FEC codes

محمد جبار محمدامين الصالحي